

バースデイきっぷ 誕生日月の四国旅に! JR四国の特急電車も乗車し放題(JR四国内のみ)

高速バス (四国内の移動は高速バスが安くて早い!)
善通寺IC⇔松山駅 約2時間 3,800円(片道)
善通寺IC⇔高知駅 約1時間半 3,100円(片道)



Good morning!
It is getting cold in Kagawa pref.

Today, our first helper Liz who wrote about MI CASA SU CASA. 

I was lucky in a lot of ways that I found Mi Casa Su Casa this October. I had heard of this guesthouse through my friends in Matsuyama and arrived in Konzoji (for the first time) right as a typhoon was coming to Shikoku. I was walking the ohenro temple pilgrimage and really needed to speak some English, and of course take a shower and sleep in a comfortable bed. I also just needed some friendly conversation and a friendly smile, both of which Masayo is excellent at providing!

After I hurt my foot the next week walking to Takamatsu, I returned to Mi Casa Su Casa to figure out what I would do. Masayo again welcomed me with open arms and included me in all her plans. I quickly became friends with her friends and have had the best week ever as her 'helper' staff. I've eaten udon almost everyday and some good okonomiyaki too, gone to see a Yama P. movie, made pizza and tacos with her friends, gone to an onsen and also helped clean of course.

Masayo has become a friend in the time I've spent here and I would recommend any traveller, Japanese or foreigner, to come to Konzoji just to experience this guesthouse and the cool people who pass through.

Oh and also make sure to stop by the family-run konbini Inariya-san, they have the best onigiri in Japan!

Thank you to Masayo for being the energy and life behind Mi Casa Su Casa, I know that I will visit this place again!


Thank you Liz!

Pizza Party

Spring Roll & Tacos Party

 Hair Model Day in Typhoon

 Calligraphy Day
Liz in Japanese