

バースデイきっぷ 誕生日月の四国旅に! JR四国の特急電車も乗車し放題(JR四国内のみ)

高速バス (四国内の移動は高速バスが安くて早い!)
善通寺IC⇔松山駅 約2時間 3,800円(片道)
善通寺IC⇔高知駅 約1時間半 3,100円(片道)


Thank you for coming back!

Good morning.

Our guests come back again last and this weeks.

One of guests is from Tokyo who have visited here several times. Thank you!

Another guest is from Taiwan. It is the first time a foreigner who is coming back again ;) 

She loves Shikoku. Therefore she always use ALL SHIKOKU Rail Pass. It is JPY 9700 for 5 days for foreigners. Extremely cheap!

We are pleasure for visiting Shikoku.
Thank you for staying MI CASA SU CASA too.

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