

バースデイきっぷ 誕生日月の四国旅に! JR四国の特急電車も乗車し放題(JR四国内のみ)

高速バス (四国内の移動は高速バスが安くて早い!)
善通寺IC⇔松山駅 約2時間 3,800円(片道)
善通寺IC⇔高知駅 約1時間半 3,100円(片道)


Become a Pilgrim (Ohenro) for a Day


It is too hot in Japan now, but there are many pilgrims in Shikoku.
They are very tough because many pilgrims have walked around 45 days for 88 temples.
It is 1200 km and a big trip.

Even we cannot make it.

One day, we tried to walk 7 temples, but it was incredibly hot. So, we decided to drive around from 71st to 77th temples.

We could see beautiful scenery everywhere.

If your time is limitation, we can arrange route of pilgrimage for you.

Please contact us!

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