

バースデイきっぷ 誕生日月の四国旅に! JR四国の特急電車も乗車し放題(JR四国内のみ)

高速バス (四国内の移動は高速バスが安くて早い!)
善通寺IC⇔松山駅 約2時間 3,800円(片道)
善通寺IC⇔高知駅 約1時間半 3,100円(片道)


Udon! Udon! Udon!

Good morning!

Do you know Udon?
Udon is very popular in a Japan. 
You can eat Udon anywhere in Japan.
However, if you visit MI CASA SU CASA, you are able to experience special udon.
It is cheap and yummy.

This is one of famous local restaurants' udon. 

They serves yellow tempura which is old style. It's very tasty.

Around MI CASA SU CASA, you can feel real local Japanese life.

Please visit us!

We are looking forward to your booking!
Thank you :)

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